Permanent Data Preservation
Information is permanently stored directly on Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) on the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring data longevity.
Last updated
Information is permanently stored directly on Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) on the Bitcoin blockchain, ensuring data longevity.
Last updated
SRC-101 standard makes operation code and info into Json strings, compresses them into multisig scripts and stores them in scriptSig of bitcoin transaction, like what SRC-20 is doing. All these data can't be cropped by miner nodes. It greatly ensures that all data are immutable and can be saved permanently. It also ensures that all types of bitcoin addresses can be supported.
SRC-101 doesn't store data in OP_ RETURN which is entirely mutable. We don't want to create a provably-prunable output, everything should be keep in safety.